IRIS Corporation Berhad and its group of companies (“IRIS”) adopt a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption.

At IRIS, we pride ourselves on our reputation for acting fairly and ethically wherever we conduct business. This means avoiding practices of bribery and corruption in all forms during IRIS’s daily operations in Malaysia and overseas. We are serious about building a culture of accountability, ensuring strong investor confidence and maintaining good corporate governance.

The Board has formalised an Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption policy (ABAC), Whistleblowing policy and Gift policy. These policies are designed to combat bribery and corruption and also put in place appropriate controls and contingency measures to address and identify corruption risks while creating a safe environment for whistleblowers to come forward.  Proper training of the policy and procedures will be communicated to all our staff and business partners.

Having a clear and unambiguous understanding of ABAC is an important part of our risk management system and we expect all our employees and business partners to conduct themselves in accordance with ABAC. If anyone should have any queries about the scope and application of ABAC, they should contact the Legal & Corporate Services, department at

Thank you for your support and commitment.

Dr Poh Soon Sim

Executive Chairman


The Board of Directors (“the Board”) believes that good corporate governance is essential for delivering sustainable value, enhancing business integrity and maintaining investors’ confidence towards achieving the Group’s corporate objectives and vision.

The purpose of this Board Charter is to promote the highest standards of corporate governance within the Group and to clarify, among others, the roles and responsibilities of the Board. This Board Charter serves not only as a reminder of the Board’s roles and responsibilities but also as a general statement of intent and expectation as to how the Board discharges its duties and responsibilities.

The Board Charter has been endorsed by the Board and is subject to review by the Board from time to time, to ensure the Group remains at the forefront of best practices in corporate governance.

Please click here to view the Board Charter.

The Group has adopted the Fit and Proper Policy to ensure a formal, rigorous and transparent process for the appointment and re-election of Directors and the appointment of Principal Officers.

Please click here to view the Fit and Proper Policy

The Board discloses corporate governance procedures and compliance, information on board composition, statements on the company’s performance, and information about compliance and conformance.

Please click here to view the Corporate Governance Report

In line with Corporate Governance, the Group has implemented a Whistleblowing Policy that seeks to support IRIS’ value by providing an environment where integrity and ethical behavior are practiced throughout the Group. All employees are encouraged to raise genuine concerns about possible improprieties within the Group at the earliest opportunity, and in an appropriate way. Reports of any such concerns may be emailed to

Please click here to view the Whistleblowing Policy

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