Message from Chairman: IRIS Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption policy (ABAC)
26 August 2020
IRIS Corporation Berhad and its group of companies (“IRIS”) adopt a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption.
At IRIS, we pride ourselves on our reputation for acting fairly and ethically wherever we conduct business. This means avoiding practices of bribery and corruption in all forms during IRIS’s daily operations in Malaysia and overseas. We are serious about building a culture of accountability, ensuring strong investor confidence and maintaining good corporate governance.
The Board has formalised an Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption policy (ABAC), Whistleblowing policy and Gift policy. These policies are designed to combat bribery and corruption and also put in place appropriate controls and contingency measures to address and identify corruption risks while creating a safe environment for whistleblowers to come forward. Proper training of the policy and procedures will be communicated to all our staff and business partners.
Having a clear and unambiguous understanding of ABAC is an important part of our risk management system and we expect all our employees and business partners to conduct themselves in accordance with ABAC. If anyone should have any queries about the scope and application of ABAC, they should contact the Legal & Corporate Services, department at
Thank you for your support and commitment.
Tan Sri Nik Mohamed Bin Nik Yaacob